9Numerical Algorithms

Computing M‐estimators involves function minimization and/or solving nonlinear equations. General methods based on derivatives – like the Newton‐Raphson procedure for solving equations – are widely available, but they are inadequate for this specific type of problem, for the reasons given in Section

In this chapter we consider some details of the iterative algorithms used to compute M‐estimators, as described in earlier chapters.

9.1 Regression M‐estimators

We shall justify the algorithm in Section 4.5 for solving (4.39); this includes location as a special case. Consider the problem




where c09-i0001 and c09-i0002 is any positive constant.

It is assumed that the c09-i0003 are not collinear, otherwise there would be multiple solutions. It is assumed that c09-i0004 is a c09-i0005‐function that the ...

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