
A-rolls, 24, 123

Access issues, 167

Accuracy, in editing, 258

Acres, Birt, 7–8

Action/reaction sequences, 136, 138

Action shots, 95

Actors Studio, 14

“Actualities,” 6

Adams, Ansel, 13

Adams, Eddie, 16

Additive colors, 67

Admission Temporaire, 290–291

Advertisers, future, 343

Aerial shots, 226

Afghanistan, and “Child Bride” story, 339–340

Aitkin, Harry, 10

“Akebono,” Yang’s workstation, 329

Akeley, Carl Ethan, 10

Akeley camera, 10

Al Jazeera, and Sites’s Hot Zone, 331

“Alaskan Bald Eagle” story, 136–139, 264–266

AlertNet site, 348

Alhazen, 2

Allen, Heath, 88

Allen, Marcus, 235

Allen, Sam, 63, 230–248, 349

Alles, Brett, 59

Alvey, Murray, 15

Ambrotypes, 5

American Civil War, coverage, 5

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 17

Anchors, ...

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