Installing rosserial packages on Ubuntu 14.04/15.04

We can install the rosserial packages on Ubuntu using the following commands:

  1. Installing the rosserial package binaries using apt-get:
  • In Indigo:
    $ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosserial ros-indigo-rosserial-arduino ros-indigo-rosserial-server
  • In Jade:
    $ sudo apt-get install ros-jade-rosserial ros-jade-rosserial-arduino ros-jade-rosserial-server
  1. For installing the rosserial_client library called ros_lib in Arduino, we have to download the latest Arduino IDE for Linux 32/64 bit. Following is the link for downloading Arduino IDE:
  • Here we download the Linux 64 bit version and copy the Arduino IDE folder to the Ubuntu desktop.
  1. Arduino requires ...

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