Step 3 – finishing the view

It's been a long chapter, but we are almost done! We now need to incorporate this API into our AngularJS controller and service. Actually, we only need a small addition to the service, a small change to the controller, and no changes at all to the view.

First, in our service static/js/todo_list.js, we'll need to add a method to handle toggleDone:

'use strict';

// define the model to handle the data
var TodoList = function ($http) {
  // ... same as before ...

  // the new method
  store.toggleDone = function(id) {
    return $'/api/v1/todos/' + id + '/toggle_done').then(returnTodos);

  return store;

In static/js/todo_list_controller.js, we'll change the $scope.toggleDone method to use this new TodoList.toggleDone

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