
Module — Module class


A Module is similar to a class, except that it has no superclass and can’t be instantiated.

Class Methods


Returns an array of class variable names.


Returns an array of constant names.


Returns an array of classes and modules nested at the point of call.


Creates a new anonymous module.

Instance Methods

m < mod

Returns true if m is a descendant of mod.

m <= mod

Returns true if m is a descendant of or equal to mod.

m <=> mod

Returns +1 if m is an ancestor of mod, 0 if m is the same as mod, and -1 if m is a descendant of mod.

m === obj

Returns true if obj is an instance of m or one of its descendants.

m > mod

Returns true if m is an ancestor of mod.

m >= mod

Returns true if m is an ancestor of or equal to mod.


Returns an array of ancestors, including both classes and modules.


Returns true if the constant specified by name is defined.


Returns the value of the specified constant.

m.const_set(name, value)

Sets the value of a constant.


Returns an array of constant names.


Returns an array of names of included modules.


Returns a UnboundMethod object corresponding to name. An exception is raised if the corresponding method doesn’t exist. UnboundMethod should be bound before invocation.

unbound_plus = Fixnum.instance_method(:+)
plus = unbound_plus.bind(1)
p          # => 3 (1+2)
m.instance_methods([ ...

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