Video description
The update to the best-selling Rails tutorial includes: fully
updated for Rails 3.2 and Ruby 1.9; all-new design using Twitter's
Bootstrap; coverage of the new asset pipeline, including Sprockets
& Sass; behavior-driven development (BDD) with Capybara &
Rspec; better automated testing with Guard & Spork; roll your
own authentication with has_secure_password; and an introduction to
Gherkin & Cucumber. These focused video lessons help you learn
crucial new skills fast– and put them to work immediately! Watch
top Rails developer Michael Hartl guide you through building a
complete application using today's best practices for MVC and REST
design, layout, Ruby coding, security, testing, deployment, and
About the Author:
Top Rails expert and author Michael Hartl walks you through
the entire Rails development process: installing and setting up
Rails, designing Rails applications with MVC and REST, building
dynamic pages, coding effectively in Ruby, implementing
registration and authentication, adding social features, even
testing and deployment.
Table of contents
- Introduction
Lesson 1: From Zero to Deploy
- Learning Objectives 00:00:24
- Introduction 00:03:22
- The first app 00:05:42
- Version control 00:18:14
- Deploying 00:03:33
- Conclusion 00:01:32
Lesson 2: A Demo App
- Learning Objectives 00:00:26
- Introduction 00:04:44
- Planning the application 00:01:06
- The Users resource 00:17:27
- The Microposts resource 00:11:44
- Inheritance hierarchies 00:09:23
- Conclusion 00:01:36
Lesson 3: Mostly Static Pages
- Learning Objectives 00:00:24
- Introduction 00:01:40
- Setting up the sample app 00:09:47
- Static pages 00:14:50
- Our first tests 00:32:21
- Slightly dynamic pages 00:16:00
- Conclusion 00:00:27
Lesson 4: Rails-Flavored Ruby
- Learning Objectives 00:00:23
- Introduction 00:00:45
- Motivation 00:09:15
- Strings and methods 00:26:01
- Other data structures 00:00:48
- Arrays and ranges 00:08:40
- Blocks 00:08:03
- Hashes and symbols 00:14:17
- Ruby classes 00:16:24
- A user class 00:10:48
- Conclusion 00:00:23
Lesson 5: Filling In the Layout
- Learning Objectives 00:00:26
- Introduction 00:02:11
- Adding some structure 00:33:26
- Sass and the asset pipeline 00:12:54
- Layout links 00:10:36
- Pretty RSpec 00:09:55
- User signup: A first step 00:17:10
- Conclusion 00:00:29
Lesson 6: Modeling Users
- Learning Objectives 00:00:23
- Introduction 00:01:52
- User model 00:22:14
- User validations 00:14:38
- Email format 00:20:45
- Email uniqueness 00:12:22
- Adding a secure password 00:26:54
- Addendum with regex correction 00:02:37
Lesson 7: Sign Up
- Learning Objectives 00:00:24
- Introduction 00:01:59
- Showing users 00:36:43
- Signup form 00:10:53
- Signup failure 00:03:48
- Signup success 00:04:32
- Refactoring the tests 00:05:31
- Styling the form HTML 00:04:11
- Signup error messages 00:11:35
- Signup success (with Flash) 00:04:59
- Solutions to exercises 00:09:48
- Deploying to production with SSL 00:05:31
- Conclusion 00:00:38
Lesson 8: Sign In, Sign Out
- Learning Objectives 00:00:26
- Introduction 00:01:51
- Sessions 00:19:58
- Signin failure 00:04:39
- Signin success 00:12:41
- sign_in & a remember token 00:13:36
- A working signin method 00:03:40
- current_user 00:07:53
- Changing the layout links 00:08:54
- Signing out 00:06:14
- Intro to Cucumber (optional) 00:16:17
- Deploying to Heroku 00:04:44
- Addendum on current_user 00:02:12
Lesson 9: Updating, Showing, and Deleting Users
- Learning Objectives 00:00:29
- Introduction 00:02:53
- Updating users 00:19:42
- Successful edits 00:08:11
- Requiring signed-in users 00:13:14
- Requiring the right user 00:10:49
- Friendly forwarding 00:10:59
- Showing all users 00:11:07
- Sample users 00:07:50
- Pagination 00:12:52
- Deleting users 00:17:22
- Deploying to Heroku 00:02:36
Lesson 10: User Microposts
- Learning Objectives 00:00:26
- Introduction 00:02:44
- A Micropost model 00:19:57
- Showing microposts 00:13:47
- Creating microposts 00:24:05
- A proto-feed 00:16:31
- Destroying microposts 00:06:52
- Errata addendum 00:02:20
Lesson 11: Following Users
- Learning Objectives 00:00:28
- Introduction 00:02:02
- The Relationship model 00:15:10
- Followed users and followers 00:14:50
- A web interface 00:04:00
- Stats and a follow form 00:21:15
- Following and followers pages 00:12:52
- A working follow button 00:11:19
- A follow button with Ajax 00:16:13
- The status feed 00:17:37
- Deploying the final sample app 00:02:22
- Conclusion 00:02:10
- Installation 00:08:39
- Advanced Setup 00:18:57
- Sublime Text 2 00:18:00
Product information
- Title: Ruby on Rails, Second Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: April 2012
- Publisher(s): Pearson
- ISBN: 0133093824
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