“Yay! Another meeting!”
We would bet big money that these words have never been said, except perhaps by Joe who has been studying meetings for decades. In fact, meetings have been maligned from practically the dawn of meetings themselves. But meetings, on their own, aren’t bad. We would suggest it’s the meeting leaders who are bad at running them (and the meeting attendees who are bad at contributing within them) … and that’s why we are thrilled you are reading this book.
Whether you’ve never run a meeting before in your career or curse the hours you’ve spent running what you’d objectively consider rotten meetings, think of this book as your ultimate guide. You will discover all you need to know about running an effective meeting, one where you actually get stuff done, move business forward, and perhaps even have fun along the way.
But even if you don’t run many meetings, you’ll still find value in giving this book a read. There are nuggets of insight throughout the book on how you can be a better meeting attendee and support your meeting leaders in their efforts to make their sessions worthwhile. Heck, you might even find yourself coaching up your supervisor or boss on better meeting management. That would make our day and likely your future in meetings just a little bit brighter!
About This Book
If you are a manager, much of your workday will be devoted to meetings. Some you will lead and some you may just attend. We focus in this book on the former. We’ve loosely ...
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