TCP Wrapper Configuration

We explained earlier that connecting your system to a network significantly increases the risk of attack. With the commonsense considerations out of the way, it's time to look more closely at basic network security. Here we discuss a simple yet effective method of reducing the risk of unwanted network access, using a tool called TCP wrappers . This mechanism "wraps" an existing service (such as the mail server), screening the network connections that are made to it and refusing connections from unauthorized sites. This is a simple way of adding access control to services that weren't originally designed for it, and is most commonly used in conjunction with the inetd or xinetd daemons.

TCP wrappers are somewhat equivalent to the security guards, or bouncers, that you might find protecting the entrance to large parties or nightclubs. When you approach a venue, you first encounter the security guard, who may ask you your name and address. The guard then consults a guest list, and if you're approved, the guard moves aside and allows you entry to the party.

When a network connection is made to a service protected by TCP wrappers , the wrapper is the first thing encountered. The wrapper checks the source of the network connection using the source hostname or address and consults a list that describes who is allowed access. If the source matches an entry on the list, the wrapper moves out of the way and allows the network connection access to the actual daemon ...

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