Chapter 25Make it personal! Get as close to your customers as you possibly can, and then get closer still so you can give them a squeeze.
I was standing at the printer bar at Best Buy when the customer approached me.
“Hey, I saw you on TV this week. The Kodak guy, right? Wow. You get fired?”
What I’m wanted to say was, “Yes, that’s what happened. I’m knee-deep in Kodak’s growing war against Big Ink, and I just generated millions of dollars of national broadcast exposure for Kodak on Celebrity Apprentice—so Kodak just up and said, ‘You’re fired!’” And then wink. But I couldn’t risk a joke like that falling flat or, worse, being taken seriously. This wasn’t about me.
So what I said was, “No, I just work here nights. I love our printers, cameras, ...
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