
Still in the main function, but this time we're going into the main loop (no wordplay!). Just after the is_time_over if condition, let's add:

    canvas.set_draw_color(Color::RGB(255, 0, 0));
        Rect::new((width - TETRIS_HEIGHT as u32 * 10) as i32 / 2 - 10,
        (height - TETRIS_HEIGHT as u32 * 16) as i32 / 2 - 10,
        TETRIS_HEIGHT as u32 * 10 + 20, TETRIS_HEIGHT as u32 * 16 + 20))
        .expect("Couldn't copy texture into window");
         Rect::new((width - TETRIS_HEIGHT as u32 * 10) as i32 / 2,
         (height - TETRIS_HEIGHT as u32 * 16) as i32 / 2,
         TETRIS_HEIGHT as u32 * 10, TETRIS_HEIGHT as u32 * 16))
         .expect("Couldn't copy texture into window");

If we want to change the background depending ...

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