Using gstreamer for playback

Implementing an engine to play music was a good exercise to learn about threading. However, for a real program, you could simply use gstreamer for the music playback. So, let's see how to use this library in our music player.

Remove the following dependencies in your Cargo.toml:

crossbeam = "^0.3.0"
pulse-simple = "^1.0.0"
simplemad = "^0.8.1"

And remove their corresponding extern crate statements. We can also remove the mp3 and player modules as we'll use gstreamer instead. Now, we can add our dependencies for gstreamer:

gstreamer = "^0.9.1"
gstreamer-player = "^0.9.0"

And add their corresponding extern crate statements:

extern crate gstreamer as gst;
extern crate gstreamer_player as gst_player;

At the beginning ...

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