Rendering initialization

For now, the main function is very small. First, let's add the following lines at the top of the function:

    let sdl_context = sdl2::init().expect("SDL initialization       failed");
    let video_subsystem ="Couldn't get       SDL video subsystem");
    let width = 600;
    let height = 800;

No need for explanations, we've already explained everything in the previous chapters, so let's continue.

Just after the following lines:

    let sdl_context = sdl2::init().expect("SDL initialization      failed");
    let mut tetris = Tetris::new();
    let mut timer = SystemTime::now();

    let mut event_pump = sdl_context.event_pump().expect("Failed to      get SDL event pump");

    let grid_x = (width - TETRIS_HEIGHT as u32 * 10) as i32 ...

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