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Chapter 12. FAQ
Q: My logical volume (or slice) is for a 3390-3. I want to restore a 3390-2 to it. Can I do this?
A: Yes. If you “restore” with ckdrestore or ckdconvaws the utility will automatically reformat the
emulated 3390 volume to the correct size. (It will not change the allocated size of the logical
volume or slice, and this must be large enough to hold whatever model of 3390 you are
attempting to restore.) Remember to specify 3390-2 in your resource definitions. The
resource definition must specify the correct size.
Q: You mentioned the “FSI patches” for the Linux kernel. Are these published?
A: These patches are related to SMP usage by FLEX-ES. The source can be found in
/usr/src/linux-2.4.20.pset/ADDITIONS (or the equivalent location for other kernel levels). This
assumes you have installed the kernel source from FSI.
Q: RRS fails to start in the z/OS AD 1.4s distribution. Is this a FLEX-ES problem?
A: No, it is a z/OS problem. One solution is to rerun jobs RRSDELLS and RRSLOGST in
Q: My 4mm tape drive sometimes immediately rejects a tape. Is this a Linux problem? A
FLEX-ES problem?
A: How old is the tape? There may be a compatibility problem with very old tapes that cause
newer drives (“DDS-4”) to immediately eject the cartridge. This is a hardware issue and is not
related to Linux or FLEX-ES functions. Try using a newer tape cartridge; use one that is
marked 120 meters (in length) or marked DDS-4 (assuming you have a DDS-4 drive).
Q: How can I receive z/OS PTFs? My EFS system does not have a tape drive.
A: A number of EFS users prefer https://techsupport.services.ibm.com/server/fixes.
You need to create an IBM registration to use the site, but anyone can do this. You need to
know the PTF number you want; there are no search facilities on this site. After requesting a
PTF, you are sent instructions for downloading it.
Q: I receive the error message “Internal reconfiguration error” when I attempt to start x3270 in
Red Hat 8.0. Is this a known problem?
A: We have not seen this problem; however we have seen reports that it is related to use of
the INTEL 845 chip set. The report indicates that downloading the i845 video driver from an
INTEL Web site resolved the problem. The Web site mentioned was