20 EFS Systems on a Linux Base: Additional Topics
The key message is that you should adjust your FLEX-ES system parameters (emulated
S/390 memory, disk caches, instruction cache) to avoid Linux swapping. Defining a smaller
emulated S/390 memory size may increase z/OS paging. Of course, it would be nice to avoid
any paging, but z/OS paging is much less damaging than Linux swapping and your trade-offs
should always be in this direction. You can juggle disk cache versus instruction cache versus
S/390 memory allocations for your best performance. Simply be careful not to push Linux into
2.3 Other monitoring tools
There are many Linux monitoring tools available. In addition to vmstat, the top command and
the GUI display available through gnome System Tools->System Monitor can be interesting.
Most of the information displayed by these (such as memory allocated to various processes)
should be fairly static during FLEX-ES operation. However, PC utilization will vary with the
S/390 workload and with Linux background processing. This is nicely displayed by the System
Monitor graphics.
The top command is started from a command line window; the window where you started
resadm may be convenient for this. Enter q to exit from top.
2.4 Disk caches
If you are using simple Linux files for your emulated S/390 volumes (as described in the
Getting Started publication), on a lightly-loaded small system, you can probably ignore disk
cache tuning. Linux will automatically use free memory as a disk cache and (if there is
sufficient free memory) this is often good enough for a small, non-production FLEX-ES
system. (There are negative effects for this mode of disk usage; these are described in
section 2.1.5 of the Getting Started publication.)
If you are using the raw disk interface for emulated disk volumes (described in “Raw disk
devices” on page 57), we
strongly recommend that you work with the disk cache parameters
described here. These can have
major effects on the performance of your system. Any larger
FLEX-ES system, especially those considered as production systems, should use the raw
FLEX-ES automatically caches 15 tracks of data for each emulated 3390 or 3380. You can
adjust this in three ways:
򐂰 Specify a different number of tracks to cache for a particular emulated drive.
򐂰 Specify a different number of tracks to cache at the control unit level; excess tracks (above
those needed for the specified or default cache for each device on the control unit) will
float, as needed, among all the devices on the control unit.
򐂰 Use the writethroughcache parameter to force a different operation of the cache (on a
device level). The default operation uses a writeback cache technique.
Here is an example that uses all three options:
(resource definitions)
c3990A: cu 3390
interface local(1)
options ‘trackcachesize=150
Again, we stress that “Linux paging” refers to steady-state operation after S/390 emulation is started. Linux
booting or FLEX-ES startup may cause Linux paging and we are not concerned with this temporary effect.

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