Chapter 3. Networking 29
to connect terminals for systems programmers because this connection requires little or
no customization.
򐂰 SNA 3270 connections. These could be via coax, LANs, or SDLC connections, or through
links to other VTAM or NCP nodes. This was (and still is) a common environment for larger
networks, although many existing installations are moving to TCP/IP bases. There are
many variations of this, with SNA control units and with directly-attached SNA client 3270
򐂰 TN3270 TCP/IP connections to z/OS. These are LAN connections using TN3270 clients.
All of these connection modes work with z/OS under FLEX-ES and there are additional
򐂰 Channel-attached S/390 devices
(such as 3174s, 3172s, 3745s, and similar control
units) work just as they would on a “real” system. User connections and procedures would
be the same as on a “real” system and we do not further describe this option.
򐂰 Local, non-SNA 3270s can be emulated using the FLEX-ES Terminal Solicitor.
򐂰 LAN SNA and TCP/IP connections can be made through FLEX-ES emulated control units,
and end-user terminals work as they would on a “real” system.
3.2.1 Typical, basic configuration
Most of the FLEX-ES definition examples in this series of redbooks provide a basic network
environment suitable for multiple TSO users and for applications such as CICS, HTTPD, and
WebSphere. The exact purpose and use of the definitions may be a little confusing and this
section describes the usage in more detail.
Our FLEX-ES definition examples include the following lines:
cu devad(0x700,3) path(0) resource(CU3174)
cu devad(0xE20,2) path(1) resource(CU3172)
CU3174: cu 3174 # local, non-SNA 3174 control unit
interface local(1)
device(00) 3278 mstcon # address 700
device(01) 3278 L701 # address 701
device(02) 3278 L702 # address 702
end CU3174
CU3172: cu 3172 # TCP/IP 3172 control unit
interface local(1)
options ‘ipaddress=,adapternumber=0’
device(00) 3172 eth0 # address E20
device(01) 3172 OFFLINE # address E21
end CU3172
Local 3174 connections
The system being emulated is shown in Figure 3-1 on page 30. We can add more terminal
connections to the 3174 by simply adding more lines in the FLEX-ES definitions. We usually
show only three lines to keep the listings shorter. Of course, this assumes that your z/OS has
enough local 3270 devices defined (in its IODF) starting at address 700 to match your
definitions. Our examples assume the z/OS console is defined (in PARMLIB) at address 700
At the time of writing, these are not yet available for the Linux version of FLEX-ES. This discussion assumes that
such channels will be available in the future.
30 EFS Systems on a Linux Base: Additional Topics
and that the VTAM definitions have local 3270s defined starting at address 701. (The IODFs
for recent AD CD-ROM systems have 64 local 3270s defined starting at 700. VTAM has 31
terminals defined starting at 701. TSO has only ten VTAM APPLs defined; you can easily add
Figure 3-1 Emulated configuration
The terminal names shown in the figure (mstcon, L701) are arbitrary names and have no
counterpart on a “real” S/390. On a real S/390, we would connect a coax 3270 terminal to
one of the coax ports on the 3174 control unit. On the FLEX-ES emulation we use a TN3270
session (using x3270, PCOM, or any of a large number of TN3270 products) connected to the
FLEX-ES Terminal Solicitor. The S/390 sees all connections through the Terminal Solicitor as
channel-attached non-SNA 3270 terminals. It does not see that these are actually TN3270
TCP/IP LAN connections.
The Terminal Solicitor accepts TN3270 connections through Linux TCP/IP port 24. If you
point your TN3270 client to the Linux IP address (port 24) and if the FLEX-ES resource
manager is started and if a S/390 instance is started (but not necessarily IPLed), you should
receive the Terminal Solicitor welcome screen. On this screen you can select any of the
named 3270 sessions.
Our examples use a shell script to start two x3270 sessions on the Linux desktop. This can be
viewed as a shortcut through the Terminal Solicitor. With a little more typing, you could
instead manually start two x3270 sessions (on the Linux desktop), connect them to the
Terminal Solicitor, and select the appropriate terminals (which are mstcon and L701 in our
non-SNA 3174 control unit
emulated coax connections
3172 TCP/IP control unit
E20. E21
Ter mi nal
other Linux
TCP/IP users
Ethernet adapter eth0
Many users are sharing one physical
Ethernet adapter

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