Appendix B: Glossary
API: Application Programming Interface, a set of services an application developer can utilise when implementing applications on top of a platform.
Back bone testing: the core components are implemented and tested first. Only once a stable enough set of core components is obtained, are the components that utilize these core component services integrated and tested.
Backward compatibility: if an application implemented with the help of SDK release x runs on a device based on platform version x + 1, that device is backward compatible with the application.
Baseline: the release that has been integrated as a whole in the customer device software.
Base porting: the exercise of adapting the Symbian kernel to particular hardware.
Basic Acceptance Testing (BAT): a small sub-set of all functional test cases of the platform BAT cases is run on every single release; the result indicates whether a particular release is mature enough for further testing.
Big bang testing: the entire code is tested at one time.
Binary compatibility: all versions of one platform conform in terms of the API set.
Black-box testing: testing activity accomplished without knowing the code's internal architecture. Black-box testing approach can be applied in all testing phases (module, integration, functional, non-functional and interoperability testing).
Bluetooth (BT): an industrial specification for wireless personal area connectivity. In smartphones the user can connect to external devices ...
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