Chapter 11Predicting What’s Next in Sales

Efficiency is key. As global financial markets fluctuate, creating an organization focused on Revenue Efficiency will keep you in business and in the game no matter how bad it gets. This is why it’s imperative to set your business up for success now. If and when things do deflate with the global markets, you will be set up to run a lean, mean, revenue-generating, low-cash-burning machine.

This is also why it’s important to think ahead. In sales, we forecast our numbers. It’s our way to think and plan ahead. In this book, we had full chapters dedicated to omnichannel outreach, A/B testing and next best actions to take, Revenue Efficiency, revenue org alignment, humanization at scale, and much more. That’s because not only are these pieces of the modern sales process relevant now, but they’re also mainstays of the future of sales. We are still in the very early stages of Sales Engagement. The innovators and early adopters get it, but we haven’t crossed the chasm yet!

We gave Jake Dunlap, CEO of Skaled, a leading Sales Engagement implementation consulting firm, a crystal ball and said, “Shake it up!” Here’s where he thinks the future of sales is going.

Jake’s Take: The Future of Sales

The way we engage in B2B sales is evolving at an incredible pace.

Until the late 2000s, the primary methods for engaging were phone, events, and direct mail, and maybe a little fax as well. E-mail then started to evolve from being a primarily consumer ...

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