Chapter 6
Hiring and Onboarding New Staff
In This Chapter
Signing up new talent
Understanding the value of onboarding
Creating an effective Onboarding Packet
No matter how strong your team may be today, there will be a time when you are tasked with adding new salespeople. Chapter 5 talks about how to get through the recruiting process virtually unscathed.
In this chapter, I look at the steps for actually hiring your latest superstar discovery and getting her up to speed. I talk about the importance of making others in your company aware of your new hire (especially the person responsible for ensuring she gets paid), presenting a professional first impression, and properly onboarding your new hire — making her aware of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors she needs to succeed in her new role.
Hiring Your Next Superstar
You sorted through the stacks and stacks of resumes and applications and read through dozens of LinkedIn profiles. You whittled the number down to the handful of people who stand out and you conducted interviews. You decided on the one person you feel would best be an asset to your team and your company.
It’s time to call and make the hire. At this point you believe ...
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