Chapter 21
Managing Data
Understanding your migration options
Executing your migration plan
Organizing your data
Using the right tools to migrate data
Getting help
If you’re a system administrator, often your greatest headache isn’t configuring or customizing the system but getting your data in and maintaining it so that it’s useful. Nothing hurts a rollout more than complaints from users that their data isn’t in Salesforce, that information is duplicated in several records, or even worse, that the information is wrong. Your end-user adoption suffers if you don’t maintain your records after the rollout. The data upkeep sins of preceding generations compound in your Salesforce instance to result in a poor user experience for the current wave of users. Salesforce has been around a long time. Users today who are just starting with Salesforce instances may not know that those instances have been around for many years … Then they think Salesforce is a bad product (due ...
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