Chapter 16
Automating Processes with Flows
Understanding business process automation
Introducing Salesforce Flow and related concepts
Learning about variables and elements
Creating your first flow
One responsibility of any business is doing its best to follow consistent steps (also known as processes) to do something whenever something else happens. For example, your Sales Operations or Deal Desk team most likely wants salespeople to submit new deals with contracts properly filled out, all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed, only approved discount ranges given, and correct dates and terms used whenever any services purchased begin and end. Miss one thing and you’ll receive a quick rejection note and a request to make corrections before the deal can be approved.
Business processes, especially when it comes to closing a sale, signing a contract, placing the order, collecting a bill, and so on, help streamline the flow of work as milestones proceed from one person in the company to the next. And anytime an outsider (like an auditor) has questions, established business processes ...
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