Chapter 20

Ten Bad Habits of Digital Marketers


check Avoiding testing pitfalls

check Having realistic expectations for software

check Staying on the right track in your career

It's been a long, fun journey through the world of digital marketing with Salesforce Marking Cloud. As we wrap up, we'd like to leave you with some words of caution. This chapter lists mistakes that impede — or even sink — digital marketing efforts time and time again. If you can learn from the mistakes of others and avoid these bad habits, you'll be well on the path to success!

Not Testing Enough

In digital marketing, theory doesn't always translate smoothly into action. You might have a clear concept of how your campaign should run, but you can't be sure that you've covered everything until you build and test the campaign.

You might have forgotten to add personalization, inserted the wrong image for one of your dynamic content conditions, left out a link, or any of a million other things. You try to get everything right from the beginning, of course, but nothing can replace a thorough review of your complete messages.

At Trendline, we always make sure to test at least the following areas:

  • Message's appearance ...

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