Book description
The niche of this book is that it not only focuses on the topic at hand but it also provides a battery of tools/skills that will take the user at a higher level and help him/her realize the skills “without waiting to read another book” on some other topic they need to know if they wanted to implement it in real life. It is a self contained, stand alone book. Teach Yourself Visual Basic 6 in 24 Hours follows the step-by-step approach of the Teach Yourself series and gives the reader a quick, concise introduction to this programming language. It will explain the basics of Visual Basic through task-oriented examples and a hands on approach. Topics covered include: Basics of Visual Basic development, Understanding the concepts of properties, methods, and events, Creating and implementing ActiveX controls, Integrating data into applications, Adding and manipulating graphics, Testing and debugging applications, Printing from your applications.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
I. Introducing Visual Basic
- 1. Visual Basic at Work
- 2. Analyzing Visual Basic Programs
- 3. Controls and Properties
- 4. Examining Labels, Buttons, and Text Boxes
- II. Coding the Details
- III. Putting Code to Work
- IV. Programming with Data
- V. Sprucing Up Programs
- VI. Advancing Visual Basic Applications
VII. Appendixes
- A. Operator Precedence
B. Answers
- Hour 1. Quiz
- Hour 1. Exercise
- Hour 2. Quiz
- Hour 2. Exercise
- Hour 3. Quiz
- Hour 3. Exercise
- Hour 4. Quiz
- Hour 4. Exercise
- Hour 5. Quiz
- Hour 5. Exercise
- Hour 6. Quiz
- Hour 6. Exercise
- Hour 7. Quiz
- Hour 7. Exercise
- Hour 8. Quiz
- Hour 8. Exercise
- Hour 9. Quiz
- Hour 9. Exercise
- Hour 10. Quiz
- Hour 10. Exercise
- Hour 11. Quiz
- Hour 11. Exercise
- Hour 12. Quiz
- Hour 12. Exercise
- Hour 13. Quiz
- Hour 13. Exercise
- Hour 14. Quiz
- Hour 14. Exercise
- Hour 15. Quiz
- Hour 15. Exercise
- Hour 16. Quiz
- Hour 16. Exercise
- Hour 17. Quiz
- Hour 17. Exercise
- Hour 18. Quiz
- Hour 18. Exercise
- Hour 19. Quiz
- Hour 19. Exercise
- Hour 20. Quiz
- Hour 20. Exercise
- Hour 21. Quiz
- Hour 21. Exercise
- Hour 22. Quiz
- Hour 22. Exercise
- Hour 23. Quiz
- Hour 23. Exercise
- Hour 24. Quiz
- Hour 24. Exercise
- C. Using the CD-ROM
Product information
- Title: Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic® 6 in 24 Hours
- Author(s):
- Release date: April 1999
- Publisher(s): Sams
- ISBN: 9780672315336
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