Day 14


1: When do ColdFusion functions require hash-mark delimiters?
A1: Just like variables, functions require hash marks when they appear between <CFOUTPUT> and </CFOUTPUT> tags. If they appear as part of a tag, such as <CFIF SomeFunction(SomeVariable)>, the marks aren't required .
2: Are function names case-sensitive?
A2: Function names are not case-sensitive, although it's a good idea to use ColdFusion's suggested case (such as DollarFormat()) to make them easy to identify in your template pages .
3: Name two functions that might be used to trim leading or trailing spaces from a text string.
A3: LTrim() strips leading spaces; RTrim() works on trailing spaces.
4: Briefly describe a date/time object.
A4: A date/time object is a special unit that ...

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