The CFTREE form custom control allows you to place a tree control in a CFFORM. User selections can be validated. Individual tree items are created with CFTREEITEM tags inside the CFTREE tag block.


CFTREE requires the client to download a Java applet. Downloading an applet takes time; therefore, using CFTREE may be slightly slower than using an HTML form element to retrieve the same information. In addition, browsers must be Java-enabled for CFTREE to work properly.


 <CFTREE NAME="name" REQUIRED="Yes" or "No" DELIMITER="delimiter" COMPLETEPATH="Yes" or "No" APPENDKEY="Yes" or "No" HIGHLIGHTHREF="Yes" or "No" ONVALIDATE="script_name" MESSAGE="text" ONERROR="text" FONT="font" FONTSIZE="size" ITALIC="Yes" or "No" BOLD="Yes" or ...

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