Day 2


1:Can you use wildcards with IN, as in this example?
select ProductName, UnitPrice
from Products
where ProductName in ('%tofu%', '%cereal%', '%grain%')
A1: No. The server will treat the wildcards (% characters) as literal characters and will try to find products whose name is literally '%tofu%' or '%cereal%'. To combine multiple wildcard searches, use OR to connect LIKE clauses:
select ProductName, UnitPrice
from Products
where ProductName like '%tofu%'
    or ProductName like '%cereal%'
    or ProductName like '%grain%'
2:When do you need to group conditions using parentheses?
A2: Parentheses are required when your WHERE clause consists of more than two conditions and there is a combination of OR and AND conjunctions.
3:In this query, is the ...

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