First JSP example

You are now ready to write and deploy your first JSP. The JSP in Listing 13.3 is a very simple JSP that uses an expression to generate the current date.

Listing 13.3. Full Text of date.jsp
 1: <HTML>
 2:   <HEAD>
 3:     <TITLE>JSP Date Example</TITLE>
 4:   </HEAD>
 5:   <BODY>
 6:     <BIG>
 7:       Today's date is <%= new java.util.Date() %>
 8:     </BIG>
 9:   </BODY>
10: </HTML>

Perform the following steps to deploy this JSP.

Start up the J2EE RI and run deploytool.
Create a new application to store your JSPs. Call it simple.
Select File, New, Web Component and create a new WAR file in the application, call it Simple.
Click Edit and add the JSP file date.jsp. It does not matter if your JSP source file is in a sub-directory or not, ...

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