Performing and Displaying a Calculation

Now you are ready to move ahead and enhance the example you worked with in the last lesson. This time, you are replacing a line, not adding one. Have a look at Listing 3.1.

Listing 3.1. The Example Performs a Calculation
 1: #include <iostream>
 3: using namespace std;
 5: int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 6: {
*7:    // Should print the number 6
*8:    cout << ((6/2)+3) << endl;
 9:    return 0;
10: }

This program displays the value 6, which is the result of calculating ((6/2)+3).


((6/2)+3) is an example of an expression. In this case, the expression uses literal numbers, operators (/ and +), and ...

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