Day 6


1: How many rows would a two-table join produce without a condition in the WHERE clause if one table had 50,000 rows and the other had 100?
A1: 5,000,000.
2: What type of join appears in the following SELECT statement?
select, e.employee_id, ep.salary
from employee_tbl e,
     employee_pay_tbl ep
where e.employee_id = ep.employee_id;
A2: An equi-join.
3: Will the following SELECT statements work?
  1. select name, employee_id, salary
    from employee_tbl e,
         employee_pay_tbl ep
    where employee_id = employee_id
      and name like '%MITH';
  2. select, e.employee_id, ep.salary
    from employee_tbl e,
         employee_pay_tbl ep
    where name like '%MITH';
  3.  select, e.employee_id, ep.salary from employee_tbl e, employee_pay_tbl ep where e.employee_id = ep.employee_id ...

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