Hour 19

1: True or False: The Open File dialog box automatically opens a file.
A1: False. The control returns the name of the file the user wants to open, but it doesn't open the file.
2: What symbol is used to separate a filter description from its extension?
A2: The pipe (|) symbol.
3: What object is used to manipulate files?
A3: System.IO.File
4: What arguments are required by System.IO.File.Copy()?
A4: Two arguments are expected. The first is the name of the current file; the second is the name of the file to create as a result of the copy.
5: How would you rename a file?
A5: Use System.IO.File.Move(), using the same path but a different filename.
6: True or False: Files deleted with System.IO.File.Delete() are sent to the Recycle Bin.
A6: False

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