Building a PivotChart

A PivotChart is basically a column chart (by default) that is based on the data in a pivot table. You can change the chart to a different chart type if desired.

The next To Do exercise creates a PivotChart from an Excel list. You need to use the Excel list you created on Sheet2 earlier in this hour.

To Do: Build a PivotChart

Click the Sheet3 tab and click any cell in the Excel list. This step tells Excel that you want to use the data in the Excel list to create a PivotChart.
Choose Data, PivotTable and PivotChart Report. If the Office Assistant asks whether you want help with pivot tables, choose No. The PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard—Step 1 of 3 dialog box opens. From this point, until the PivotChart appears in ...

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