Answers to Quiz for Hour 20

1.The transaction code to access the Create Users screen is /nSQ03.
2.The transaction code to access the Create InfoSets screen is /nSQ02.
3.The transaction code to access the Create SAP Queries screen is /nSQ01.
4.Queries designed in the global area are used throughout the entire system and are client-independent.
5.The three components of SAP queries are Query Groups, InfoSets, and administrative decisions.
6.A Query Area includes SAP query elements, queries, InfoSets, and Query Groups.
7.The two Query Areas in R/3 are standard and global.
8.After creating or modifying an InfoSet, you must save and generate it.
9.The transaction code to access QuickViewer is /nSQVI.
10.The InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query tool is now available in ...

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