Sams Teach Yourself HTML in 10 Minutes, Fourth Edition

Book description

Don't let a lack of free time keep you from learning HTML to build better websites! Sams Teach Yourself HTML in 10 Minutes, Fourth Edition is a compact, task-oriented tutorial that will show you how to perform the most common tasks involved in designing, creating, publishing, and administering web pages and sites. The book covers only those HTML tags and technologies that are likely to be used on a beginner's web page, and it is organized in a logical step-by-step order that reflects a natural progression. The book's modular design allows you to jump in and learn only what you need to know anywhere throughout the book. This fourth edition of the bestselling book is completely rewritten to make it even more accessible for the beginning Windows and Macintosh user. The easily accessible reference material and updated examples will help understand how to execute tasks to get the results you desire.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Author
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. We Want to Hear from You!
  5. Reader Services
  6. Introduction
    1. What You Need to Know Before Using This Book
    2. About the Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes Series
    3. Special Sidebars
    4. Conventions Used in This Book
    5. Web Browser Screen Shots
  7. 1. What’s It All About?
    1. What Is the Internet?
    2. What Is HTML?
    3. Then, What’s XHTML?
    4. How Do They Work?
    5. Using Web Browsers
    6. Getting Connected
  8. 2. Creating Your First Page
    1. Getting Started
    2. Required Elements
      1. One More Page
    3. Saving and Viewing the Page
    4. XHTML Requirements
    5. Using Good Form
  9. 3. Adding Text and More
    1. Paragraphs
    2. Text Emphasis
    3. Headings
    4. Special Characters
    5. Math and Science Notations
    6. English Isn’t the Only Language
      1. Mixing Languages in a Single Page
    7. Meta Tags
      1. Improved Searching
      2. Refresh and Redirect
      3. Expiration Dates
  10. 4. Linking Text and Documents
    1. What Is a URL?
    2. Hyperlinks
    3. Linking to Other Files and Email
    4. Linking Within the Same Page
      1. Linking to an Anchor in Another Page
  11. 5. Adding Your Own Style
    1. Style Sheets
    2. Defining the Rules
    3. Add a Little class
    4. Applying Styles
      1. Embedded Styles
      2. Linked Styles
      3. Inline Styles
      4. Cascading Precedence
    5. Formatting Text with Styles
      1. Link Styles
      2. Color Styles
    6. Adding Lines
      1. Adding Style to Horizontal Lines
      2. Margin Styles
  12. 6. Creating Lists
    1. Types of Lists
    2. Bulleted (Unordered) Lists
      1. Formatting Bulleted Lists
    3. Numbered (Ordered) Lists
      1. Formatting Numbered Lists
      2. Setting a Start Value
    4. Definition Lists
  13. 7. Creating Tables
    1. Simple Tables
    2. Formatting Tables
    3. Advanced Tables
    4. Using Tables for Layout
  14. 8. Using Graphics
    1. Adding Images
    2. Adding Alternate Text
    3. Image Attributes
      1. Adjusting the Height and Width
      2. Aligning Text and Images
    4. Using Images as Links
      1. Thumbnail Images
    5. Image Etiquette
  15. 9. Mapping Images
    1. What Are Image Maps?
      1. Finding the Coordinates
      2. Client Side Versus Server Side
    2. Creating Client-Side Image Maps
    3. Adding Text Links for Older Browsers
  16. 10. Creating Frames
    1. Simple Frames
      1. <frameset>
      2. <frame />
      3. <noframes>
    2. Nested Frames
      1. <iframe>
    3. Linking Between Frames
    4. The Two Biggest Problems with Frames
      1. So Many Pages, So Few URLs
      2. Printing
    5. Using Frames Effectively
  17. 11. Building Online Forms
    1. Creating Forms
    2. Form Fields
      1. Text Box
      2. Text Area
      3. Radio Buttons and Check Boxes
      4. Drop-Down Option
      5. Drop-Down Default
      6. File Select
      7. Buttons
    3. Receiving Form Data
  18. 12. Making It Sing: Sound and Video
    1. Adding Sound and Video
      1. <embed>
      2. <object>
    2. Finding Plug-ins
  19. 13. Designing with HTML
    1. Design Basics
    2. Layout, Content, and Navigation
    3. Fonts and Colors
    4. Images
      1. Background Images
  20. 14. Creating Active Web Pages
    1. What Are Active Web Pages?
    2. DHTML
    3. Java and ActiveX
      1. How Do They Work?
    4. JavaScript and VBScript
      1. What Can Scripting Do?
  21. 15. Using Web Authoring Tools
    1. Why Use a Tool?
    2. Microsoft FrontPage
    3. Macromedia Dreamweaver
    4. Other Popular Web Tools
  22. 16. Making a Name for Yourself
    1. Web Hosting
    2. Search Pages and Indexes
      1. Search Bots
    3. Adding Your Web Site to the Search Engine
    4. Advertising
  23. 17. Planning for the Future
    1. The Future of the Internet
    2. What Is XML?
      1. Analyze the Data
      2. Create a Style Sheet Template
    3. Being Prepared
      1. Check Your Code
      2. Use Correct Syntax
      3. Always Quote Attributes
      4. Use Style Sheets
      5. Nest Tags Properly
      6. Check It Twice
      7. Learn All You Can
  24. A. HTML/XHTML Quick Reference
    1. Required Elements
      1. <body>...</body>
      2. <!DOCTYPE>
      3. <head>...</head>
      4. <html>...</html>
      5. <meta />
      6. <title>...</title>
    2. Text Phrases and Paragraphs
      1. <address>...</address>
      2. <blockquote>...</blockquote>
      3. <br />
      4. <div>...</div>
      5. <em>...</em>
      6. <h1>...</h1>–<h6>...</h6>
      7. <p>...</p>
      8. <pre>...</pre>
      9. <strong>...</strong>
      10. <sub>...</sub>
      11. <sup>...</sup>
    3. Text Formatting Elements
      1. <b>...</b>
      2. <big>...</big>
      3. <hr />
      4. <i>...</i>
      5. <small>...</small>
      6. <tt>...</tt>
    4. Lists
      1. <dd>...</dd>
      2. <dl>...</dl>
      3. <dt>...</dt>
      4. <li>...</li>
      5. <ol>...</ol>
      6. <ul>...</ul>
    5. Links <a>...</a>
    6. Tables
      1. <caption>...</caption>
      2. <table>...</table>
      3. <td>...</td>
      4. <th>...</th>
      5. <tr>...</tr>
    7. Frames
      1. <frame />
      2. <frameset>...</frameset>
      3. <iframe>...</iframe>
      4. <noframes>...</noframes>
    8. Embedded Content
      2. <img />
      3. <map>...</map>
      4. <object>...</object>
    9. Style <style>...</style>
    10. Forms
      1. <button>...</button>
      2. <form>...</form>
      3. <input />
      4. <label>...</label>
      5. <legend>...</legend>
      6. <option>...</option>
      7. <select>...</select>
      8. <textarea>...</textarea>
    11. Scripts
      1. <script>...</script>
      2. <noscript>...</noscript>
    12. Common Attributes and Events
  25. B. Style Sheet Quick Reference
    1. Text and Fonts
      1. font-family
      2. font-size
      3. font-style
      4. font-weight
      5. font-variant
      6. text-decoration
      7. text-transform
    2. Typography
      1. word-spacing
      2. letter-spacing
      3. line-height
      4. text-align
      5. vertical-align
      6. text-indent
    3. Colors and Backgrounds
      1. background-color
      2. background-image
      3. background-position
      4. background-repeat
      5. color
    4. Borders and Tables
      1. border-color
      2. border-style
      3. border-width
      4. caption-side
      5. empty-cells
      6. float
    5. Lists
      1. list-style-image
      2. list-style-type
    6. Layout
      1. margin
      2. padding
  26. C. Special Characters
    1. Symbol Entities
    2. Character Entities
    3. Greek Entities
    4. Other Entities

Product information

  • Title: Sams Teach Yourself HTML in 10 Minutes, Fourth Edition
  • Author(s): Deidre Hayes
  • Release date: May 2006
  • Publisher(s): Sams
  • ISBN: 067232878X