Book description
Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours is a hands-on guide
to the C++ programming language. Readers are provided with short,
practical examples that illustrate key concepts, syntax, and
Using a straightforward approach, this fast and friendly tutorial
teaches you everything you need to know, from installing and using
a compiler, to debugging the programs you’ve created, to
what’s new in C++14.
Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most
common C++ programming tasks
Quizzes and exercises at the end of each chapter help you test
yourself to make sure you’re ready to go on
Learn how to...
Install and use a C++ compiler for Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux
Build object-oriented programs in C++
Master core C++ concepts such as functions and classes
Add rich functionality with templates and lambda expressions
Debug your programs for flawless code
Learn exception and error-handling techniques
Put to use the new features in C++14, the latest version of the language
Create and use templates
Control program flow with loops
Store information in arrays and strings
Declare and use pointers
Use operator overloading
Extend classes with inheritance
Use polymorphism and derived classes
Employ object-oriented analysis and design
Table of contents
- About This E-Book
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents at a Glance
- Table of Contents
- About the Authors
- We Want to Hear from You!
- Reader Services
- Introduction
Part I: Beginning C++
- Hour 1. Writing Your First Program
- Hour 2. Organizing the Parts of a Program
- Hour 3. Creating Variables and Constants
- Hour 4. Using Expressions, Statements, and Operators
- Hour 5. Calling Functions
- Hour 6. Controlling the Flow of a Program
- Hour 7. Storing Information in Arrays and Strings
- Part II: Classes
Part III: Memory Management
- Hour 10. Creating Pointers
- Hour 11. Developing Advanced Pointers
- Hour 12. Creating References
- Hour 13. Developing Advanced References and Pointers
- Part IV: Advanced C++
- Part V: Inheritance and Polymorphism
Part VI: Special Topics
- Hour 19. Storing Information in Linked Lists
- Hour 20. Using Special Classes, Functions, and Pointers
- Hour 21. Using New Features of C++14
Hour 22. Employing Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
- The Development Cycle
- Simulating an Alarm System
PostMaster: A Case Study
- Measure Twice, Cut Once
- Divide and Conquer
- Message Format
- Initial Class Design
- Rooted Hierarchies Versus Non-Rooted
- Designing the Interfaces
- Building a Prototype
- The 80/80 Rule
- Designing the PostMasterMessage Class
- The Application Programming Interface
- Programming in Large Groups
- Ongoing Design Considerations
- Working with Driver Programs
- Summary
- Q&A
- Workshop
- Hour 23. Creating Templates
- Hour 24. Dealing with Exceptions and Error Handling
- Part VII: Appendixes
- Index
- Code Snippets
Product information
- Title: Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours, Sixth Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2016
- Publisher(s): Sams
- ISBN: 9780134192567
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