

ABCs of WCF, 426

aborting workflow, AdvancedHostingForms, 374

accessing properties in tracking, 295-296

actions, attributing methods called from, 269

ActiveDirectoryRole, 307

activities, 16-18

AddApprover EventDriven, 224


to Declarative Rules, 60-61

to event handlers view (EventHandlingScope), 227

to extend workflow, 123-124

to sequential view (EventHandlingScope), 227

to toolboxes across projects, 480-481

to workflow, 54

to workflow projects, 49-51

ApprovalReceived HandleExternalEvent, 126

basic activities, 455

BasicQueued, 493

CallExternalMethod, 18

adding, 103-108

tracking, 292

CancelWorkflow EventDriven, 224


binding Customer properties to, 466-467

configuring, 125-127

running workflows with, 467

Code, 18

configuring, ...

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