I was thrilled when I first learned about the release of the Galaxy Note 3. I figured that I could write a book about the new device and, because it’s much larger than a typical cell phone, write a bigger book — one that’s about one-and-a-half times larger than the typical For Dummies book.
Alas, I was informed that the book, the one you hold in your hands, would be a normal-size For Dummies title. Still, I’ve managed to cram enough information in here to make using the Galaxy Note 3 an enjoyable and tolerable experience. New devices can be intimidating. I know! So I’ve written this book to help you get the most from the first-ever hybrid phone/tablet computer.
About This Book
The most important thing to know about this book is that you’re not required to read it from cover to cover. I beg you. That’s because this book is a reference. It’s designed to be used as you need it. Look up a topic in the table of contents or the index. Find something about your phone that vexes you, or something you’re curious about. Look up the answer and get on with your life.
Every chapter in this book is written as its own, self-contained unit, covering a specific topic about using your phone. The chapters are further divided into sections representing a task you perform with the phone or explaining how to get something done. Sample sections in this book include
- Starting an app
- Doing some S Pen tricks
- Activating voice input
- Making a conference call
- Attaching media to a text message ...
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