Chapter 9

Sharing Pictures


check Taking pictures and video with your phone

check Organizing your pictures and video

check Sharing pictures and video with friends and family

The Samsung Galaxy S9 should really be called a smartcamera with a phone. If you’re like many mobile phone users, you love that you can shoot photographs and video with your phone.

You probably carry your phone with you practically everywhere you go, so you never again have to miss a great photograph because you left your camera at home.

And don’t think that Samsung skimped on the camera on your Galaxy S9. In fact, they poured it on. Boasting 12 megapixels (MP) of muscle, this camera is complemented with lots of shooting options. Then, you can view your shots on that wicked Super AMOLED screen. Samsung also includes a Gallery app for organizing and sharing. Plus, the camera can shoot stills and video.

It’s truly amazing to consider the number of options that you have for your photographs and your videos. Samsung keeps on adding new options, filters, and ways to share these files. It would not be surprising if your phone now has more capabilities than your digital camera.

These capabilities actually cause a ...

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