Chapter 16

It's a Wireless Life

In This Chapter

arrow Using the cellular data network

arrow Accessing a Wi-Fi network

arrow Setting up a mobile hotspot

arrow Tethering the mobile data connection

arrow Using Bluetooth

arrow Pairing a Bluetooth device

What exactly is portable? Back in the olden days, the boys in Marketing would say that bolting a handle to just about anything made it portable. Even a rhinoceros would be portable if he had a handle. Well, and the legs, they kind of make the rhino portable, I suppose. But my point is that to be portable requires more than just a handle; it requires a complete lack of wires.

Your Samsung Galaxy tablet's battery keeps it away from a wall socket. The digital cellular signal keeps your gizmo away from a phone line. (Other types of wireless communications are available, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.) Both features ensure portability and both are covered in this chapter.

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