© Rehan Zaidi 2019
R. ZaidiSAP ABAP Objectshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4964-2_3

3. More on Object-Oriented ABAP

Rehan Zaidi1 
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

After the basic introduction to ABAP provided in Chapters 1 and 2, this chapter dives deeper into the topic. It starts by showing how inheritance applies to ABAP Objects. Then, the chapter covers the concept of casting—upcasting and downcasting—and how we can achieve polymorphism using casting.

Inheritance: Super and Subclasses

ABAP lets you derive (inherit) a new class from a given class. This is called inheritance and the inherited class is referred to as a subclass of the main class in question, which is known as the superclass . Within ABAP, you may have any number of classes derived ...

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