Appendix 1
Output Object Table Names
ODS Table Names and the SAS Procedures That Produce Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885
ODS Table Names and the Base SAS Procedures That Produce Them . . . . . . . . 885
ODS Table Names and the SAS/STAT Procedures That Produce Them . . . . . . . 899
ODS Table Names and the SAS/ETS Procedures That Produce Them . . . . . . . 1009
ODS Table Names and the SAS Procedures That
Produce Them
Some SAS procedures assign names to the tables that they create. When using ODS, you
can select tables and create output data sets by referencing these names. The following
tables list the output object table names that Base SAS, SAS/STAT, and SAS/ETS
procedures produce:
• “ODS Table Names and the Base SAS Procedures That Produce Them” on page
• “ODS Table Names and the SAS/STAT Procedures That Produce Them” on page
• “ODS Table Names and the SAS/ETS Procedures That Produce Them” on page
ODS Table Names and the Base SAS Procedures
That Produce Them
This table lists the output object table names that Base SAS procedures produce. The
table provides the name of each table, a description of what the table contains, and the
option, if any, that creates the output object table.
Table A1.1 ODS Table Names Produced by the CALENDAR Procedure
Table Name Description
Calendar Calendar
Table A1.2 ODS Table Names Produced by the CATALOG Procedure
Table Name Description
Catalog_Random Table generated when the catalog is in a
random-access data library
Catalog_Sequential Table generated when the catalog is in a
sequential-access data library
Table A1.3 ODS Table Names Produced by the CHART Procedure
Table Name Description
Block Block chart
Hbar Horizontal bar chart
Pie Pie chart
Star Star chart
Vbar Vertical bar chart
Table A1.4 ODS Table Names Produced by the COMPARE Procedure
Table Name Description Option
CompareDatasets Information about the data set
or data sets
NOVALUE options
886 Appendix 1 • Output Object Table Names
Table Name Description Option
CompareDetails (Comparison
results for observations)
List of observations that the
base data set and the compare
data set do not have in
CompareDifferences Report of variable value
Omit NOVALUES option
CompareSummary Summary report of
observations, values, and
variables of unequal values
CompareVariables List of differences in variable
types or attributes between
the base data set and the
compare data set
Omit NOSUMMARY option
unless the variables are
ODS Tables Created by the ID Statement
CompareDetails List of notes and warnings
concerning duplicate ID
variable values if duplicate ID
variable values exist in either
of the data sets
Table A1.5 ODS Table Names Produced by the CORR Procedure
Table Name Description Option
Cov Covariances COV
CronbachAlpha Coefficient alpha ALPHA
CronbachAlphaDel Coefficient alpha with deleted
Csscp Corrected sums of squares
and crossproducts
FisherPearsonCorr Pearson correlation statistics
Fisher’s z transformation
FisherSpearmanCorr Spearman correlation
statistics using
Fisher’s z transformation
HoeffdingCorr Hoeffding’s D statistics HOEFFDING
ODS Table Names and the Base SAS Procedures That Produce Them 887
Table Name Description Option
KendallCorr Kendall’s tau-b coefficients KENDALL
PearsonCorr Pearson correlations PEARSON
PolychoricCorr Polychoric correlations POLYCHORIC
PolyserialCorr Polyserial correlations POLYSERIAL
SimpleStats Simple descriptive statistics
SpearmanCorr Spearman correlations SPEARMAN
Sscp Sums of squares and
VarInformation Variable information
ODS Tables Created by the PARTIAL Statement
FisherPearsonPartialCorr Pearson partial correlation
using Fisher’s z
FisherSpearmanPartialCorr Spearman partial correlation
using Fisher’s z
PartialCsscp Partial corrected sums of
and crossproducts
PartialCov Partial covariances COV
PartialKendallCorr Partial Kendall tau-b
PartialPearsonCorr Partial Pearson correlations
PartialSpearmanCorr Partial Spearman correlations SPEARMAN
Table A1.6 ODS Table Names Produced by the DATASETS and CONTENTS Procedures
Table Name Description Option
888 Appendix 1 • Output Object Table Names
Table Name Description Option
Directory General library information Omit NOLIST option
Members Library member information Omit NOLIST option
Table A1.7 ODS Table Names Produced by the CONTENTS Procedure or the DATASETS
Procedure with the CONTENTS Statement
Table Name Description Option
Attributes Data set attributes Omit SHORT option
Directory General library information DATA=<libref.>_ALL_ or
the DIRECTORY option
EngineHost Engine and operating
environment information
Omit SHORT option
IntegrityConstraints List of integrity constraints Omit SHORT option and data
has integrity constraints
IntegrityConstraintsShort Concise listing of integrity
SHORT option specified and
data has integrity constraints
Indexes List of indexes Omit SHORT option and data
set is indexed
IndexesShort Concise list of indexes SHORT option specified and
data set is indexed
Members Library member information DATA=<libref.>_ALL_ or
the DIRECTORY option
Position List of variables by logical
position in the data set
Omit SHORT option and
specify the VARNUM option
PositionShort Concise list of variables by
logical position in the data set
Sortedby Sort information Omit SHORT option and data
set is sorted
SortedbyShort Concise sort information SHORT option and data set is
Variables List of variables in
alphabetical order
Omit SHORT option
ODS Table Names and the Base SAS Procedures That Produce Them 889
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