For detailed information, see the X11 procedure in SAS/ETS 13.2 User's Guide.
Table Name Description Option
A14 ARIMA backcasts ARIMA statement
A15 ARIMA extrapolation ARIMA statement
B14 Irregular values excluded
from trading day regression
C14 Irregular values excluded
from trading day regression
D9 Final replacement values
PriorDailyWgts Adjusted prior daily weights
TDR_0 Final/preliminary trading day
regression, part 1
TDR_1 Final/preliminary trading day
regression, part 2
StandErrors Standard errors of trading day
adjustment factors
D9A Year-to-year change in
irregular and seasonal
components and moving
seasonality ratio
StableSeasTest Stable seasonality test
StableSeasFTest Stable seasonality test
KruskalWallisTest Nonparametric test for the
presence of seasonality
assuming stability
CombinedSeasonalityTest Summary of results and
combined test for the
presence of identifiable
f2a F2 summary measures, part 1
f2b F2 summary measures, part 2
f2c F2 summary measures, part 3
f2d I/C ratio for monthly/
quarterly span
ODS Table Names and the SAS/ETS Procedures That Produce Them 1049
For detailed information, see the X11 procedure in SAS/ETS 13.2 User's Guide.
Table Name Description Option
f2f Average percent change with
regard to sign and standard
over span
E4 Differences or ratios of
annual totals, original and
adjusted series
ChartG1 Chart G1
ChartG2 Chart G2
ODS Tables Created by the ARIMA Statement
CriteriaSummary Criteria summary ARIMA statement
ConvergeSummary Convergence summary
ArimaEst ARIMA estimation results,
part 1
ArimaEst2 ARIMA estimation results,
part 2
Model_Summary Model summary
Ljung_BoxQ Table of Ljung-Box Q
A13 ARIMA forecasts
A14 ARIMA backcasts
A15 ARIMA extrapolation
ODS Tables Created by the SSPAN Statement
SPR0A_1 S 0.A sliding spans analysis,
number, and length of spans
Default printing
SpanDates S 0.A sliding spans analysis:
dates of spans
SPR0B S 0.B summary of F-tests for
stable and moving seasonality
1050 Appendix 1 Output Object Table Names
For detailed information, see the X11 procedure in SAS/ETS 13.2 User's Guide.
Table Name Description Option
SPR1_1 S 1.A range analysis of
seasonal factors
SPR1_b S 1.B summary of range
SPRXA 2XA.1 breakdown of
differences by month or
SPRXB_2 S X.B histogram of flagged
SPRXA_2 S X.A.2 breakdowns of
differences by year
MpdStats S X.C: Statistics for
maximum percentage
S_X_A_3 S 2.X.3 breakdown summary
of flagged observation
SPR7_X S 7.X sliding spans analysis PRINTALL
Table A1.122 ODS Table Names Produced by the X12 Procedure
For detailed information, see the X12 procedure in SAS/ETS 13.2 User's Guide.
Table Name Description
A1 Original series
A2 Prior-adjustment factors
RegParameterEstimates Regression model parameter estimates
ACF Autocorrelation factors
PACF Partial autorrelation factors
ARMAIterationTolerances Exact ARMA likelihood estimation iteration
IterHistory ARMA iteration history
ARMAIterationSummary Exact ARMA likelihood estimation iteration
ODS Table Names and the SAS/ETS Procedures That Produce Them 1051
For detailed information, see the X12 procedure in SAS/ETS 13.2 User's Guide.
Table Name Description
RegressorGroupChiSq Chi-squared tests for groups of regressors
ARMAParameterEstimates Exact ARMA maximum likelihood estimation
AvgFcstErr Average absolute percentage error in
within(out) sample fore(back)casts
Roots (Non)seasonal (AR)MA roots
MLESummary Estimation summary
ForecastCL Forecasts, standard errors, and confidence
MV1 Original series adjusted for missing value
A6 RegARIMA trading day component
A8 RegARIMA combined outlier component
A8AO RegARIMA AO outlier component
A8LS RegARIMA level change outlier component
A8TC RegARIMA temporary change outlier
B1 Prior adjusted or original series
C17 Final weight for irregular components
C20 Final extreme value adjusted factors
D1 Modified original data, D iteration
D7 Preliminary trend cycle, D iteration
D8 Final unmodified S-I ratios
D8A Seasonality tests
D9 Final replacement values for extreme S-I
D9A Moving seasonality ratio
D10 Final seasonal factors
1052 Appendix 1 Output Object Table Names
For detailed information, see the X12 procedure in SAS/ETS 13.2 User's Guide.
Table Name Description
D10D Final seasonal difference
D11 Final seasonally adjusted series
D12 Final trend cycle
D13 Final irregular series
D16 Combined adjustment factors
D16B Final adjustment differences
D18 Combined calendar adjustment factors
E4 Ratios of annual totals
E5 Percent changes in original series
E6 Percent changes in final seasonally adjusted
E7 Differences in final trend cycle
F2A-I Summary measures
F3 Quality assessment statistics
F4 Day of the week trading day component
G Spectral analysis
ODS Table Names and the SAS/ETS Procedures That Produce Them 1053

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