Mexico M 432000 A300 R 785 19625.00
Canada L 837000 A300 R 806 20150.00
France L 748000 A300 R 768 19200.00
Mexico L 932000 A300 R 880 22000.00
Brazil S 25000 A300 W 157 3140.00
Canada S 37000 A300 W 208 4160.00
Mexico S 32000 A300 W 186 3720.00
Brazil M 125000 A300 W 351 7020.00
Canada M 237000 A300 W 610 12200.00
France M 348000 A300 W 714 14280.00
Mexico M 432000 A300 W 785 15700.00
Brazil L 625000 A300 W 757 15140.00
Canada L 837000 A300 W 806 16120.00
France L 748000 A300 W 768 15360.00
Mexico L 932000 A300 W 880 17600.00
proc format;
value $salefmt 'R'='Retail'
proc tabulate style={foreground=green background=white};
class region citysize saletype / style={foreground=black};
classlev region citysize saletype / style={foreground=red};
var quantity amount / style={foreground=black};
keyword all sum / style={foreground=purple };
format saletype $salefmt.;
label region="Region" citysize="Citysize" saletype="Saletype";
label quantity="Quantity" amount="Amount";
keylabel all="Total";
table all={label = "All Products" style={foreground=orange font_weight=bold}},
(region all )*(citysize all*{style={foreground=CX002288 font_weight=bold}}),
(saletype all)*(quantity*f=COMMA6. amount*f=dollar10.) /
style={background=red} misstext={label="Missing"
style={foreground=brown font_weight=bold }}
box={label="Region by Citysize by Saletype"
style={foreground=brown background=cxebdded}};
ods html close;
PDF Output
options center nodate;
ods pdf body="b.pdf" style=barrettsblue;
title1 'TABULATE With Custom ODS Styles';
data tabulate;
input dept acct qtr mon expense @@;
1 1345 1 1 12980 1 1674 1 3 13135 3 4138 1 1 29930
1 1345 1 1 9475 1 1674 1 3 21672 3 4138 1 2 22530
1 1345 1 1 15633 1 1674 1 3 3847 3 4138 1 2 16446
1 1345 1 2 14009 1 1674 1 3 2808 3 4138 1 2 27135
1 1345 1 2 10226 1 1674 1 3 4633 3 4138 1 3 24399
1 1345 1 2 16872 2 2134 1 1 34520 3 4138 1 3 17811
1 1345 1 2 17800 2 2134 1 1 25199 3 4138 1 3 29388
1058 Appendix 2 Example Programs

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