select Name, Continent,
case Continent
when 'North America' then 'Continental U.S.'
when 'Oceania' then 'Pacific Islands'
else 'None'
end as Region
from sql.unitedstates;
Output 2.13 Using the COALESCE Function to Replace Missing Values
Note: Either of the following two SQL statements will
create Output 2.13.
proc sql;
title 'Continental Low Points';
select Name, coalesce(LowPoint, 'Not Available') as LowPoint
from sql.continents;
proc sql;
title 'Continental Low Points';
select Name, case
when LowPoint is missing then 'Not Available'
else Lowpoint
end as LowPoint
from sql.continents;
Output 2.14 Specifying Column Attributes
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'Areas of U.S. States in Square Miles';
select Name label='State', Area format=comma10.
from sql.unitedstates;
Output 2.15 Sorting by Column
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'Country Populations';
select Name, Population format=comma10.
from sql.countries
order by Population;
Output 2.16 Sorting by Multiple Columns
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'Countries, Sorted by Continent and Name';
select Name, Continent
from sql.countries
order by Continent, Name;
396 Appendix 3 Example Code Shown in Using the SQL Procedure
Output 2.17 Specifying a Sort Order
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'World Topographical Features';
select Name, Type
from sql.features
order by Type desc, Name;
Output 2.18 Sorting by Calculated Column
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'World Population Densities per Square Mile';
select Name, Population format=comma12., Area format=comma8.,
Population/Area as Density format=comma10.
from sql.countries
order by Density desc;
Output 2.19 Sorting by Column Position
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'World Population Densities per Square Mile';
select Name, Population format=comma12., Area format=comma8.,
Population/Area format=comma10. label='Density'
from sql.countries
order by 4 desc;
Output 2.20 Sorting by Columns That Are Not Selected
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'Countries, Sorted by Population';
select Name, Continent
from sql.countries
order by Population;
Output 2.21 Sorting Columns That Contain Missing Values
proc sql;
title 'Continents, Sorted by Low Point';
select Name, LowPoint
from sql.continents
order by LowPoint;
Output 2.22 Using a Simple WHERE Clause
proc sql outobs=12;
Example Code: Using the SQL Procedure 397
title 'Countries in Europe';
select Name, Population format=comma10.
from sql.countries
where Continent = 'Europe';
Output 2.23 Retrieving Rows Based on a Comparison
proc sql;
title 'States with Populations over 5,000,000';
select Name, Population format=comma10.
from sql.unitedstates
where Population gt 5000000
order by Population desc;
Output 2.24 Retrieving Rows That Satisfy Multiple Conditions
proc sql;
title 'Countries in Africa with Populations over 20,000,000';
select Name, Population format=comma10.
from sql.countries
where Continent = 'Africa' and Population gt 20000000
order by Population desc;
Output 2.25 Using the IN Operator
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'World Mountains and Waterfalls';
select Name, Type, Height format=comma10.
from sql.features
where Type in ('Mountain', 'Waterfall')
order by Height;
Output 2.26 Using the IS MISSING Operator
proc sql;
title 'Countries with Missing Continents';
select Name, Continent
from sql.countries
where Continent is missing;
Output 2.27 Using the BETWEEN-AND Operators
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'Equatorial Cities of the World';
select City, Country, Latitude
from sql.worldcitycoords
398 Appendix 3 Example Code Shown in Using the SQL Procedure
where Latitude between -5 and 5;
Output 2.28 Using the LIKE Operator
proc sql;
title1 'Country Names that Begin with the Letter "Z"';
title2 'or Are 5 Characters Long and End with the Letter "a"';
select Name
from sql.countries
where Name like 'Z%' or Name like '____a';
Output 2.29 Using a Truncated String Comparison Operator
proc sql;
title '"New" U.S. States';
select Name
from sql.unitedstates
where Name eqt 'New ';
Output 2.30 Using a WHERE Clause with Missing Values (Incorrect Output)
/* incorrect output */
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'World Features with a Depth of Less than 500 Feet';
select Name, Depth
from sql.features
where Depth lt 500
order by Depth;
Output 2.31 Using a WHERE Clause with Missing Values (Corrected Output)
/* corrected output */
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'World Features with a Depth of Less than 500 Feet';
select Name, Depth
from sql.features
where Depth lt 500 and Depth is not missing
order by Depth;
Output 2.32 Using the MEAN Function with a WHERE Clause
proc sql outobs=12;
title 'Mean Temperatures for World Cities';
select City, Country, mean(AvgHigh, AvgLow)
Example Code: Using the SQL Procedure 399

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