


file management functionality, 137

restricting access, 126–132

SAS Web Report Studio, 104


bookmarks, 74

calculated items to cubes, 56–57

computed items to cubes, 57

dashboards to portlets, 189

data items to information maps, 102

filters, 63

measures, 59–60

pages in SAS Information Delivery Portal, 187

portlets, 188

time hierarchies, 54

AdmitDt variable, 4

AgeCat indicator, 175–176

aggregating data, 5

ampersand (&), 28

AmtCharge variable, 4

AmtPaid variable, 4

analytical tasks, with SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office, 38–44


architecture of, 103

role-based, 12

applying prompted filters in SAS Web Report Studio, 147

architecture, of applications, 103

assigning data, 41, 147, 148


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