
Select the best answer for each question. After completing the quiz, check your answers using the answer key in the appendix.
  1. Which SAS statement correctly specifies the array Sales as illustrated in the following table?
    Table Representation of Sales Array
    Table Representation of Sales Array
    1. array Sales{3,4} m1-m12;
    2. array Sales{4,3} m1-m12;
    3. array {3,4} Sales m1-m12;
    4. array {4,12} Sales m1-m12;
  2. Which of the following statements creates temporary array elements?
    1.  array new {*} _temporary_;
    2. array new {6} _temporary_;
    3. array new {*} _temporary_ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun;
    4. array _temporary_ new {6} Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun;
  3. Which ...

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