Using In-Line Views
Introducing In-Line Views
you might want to specify an in-line view rather than a table as the
source of data for a PROC SQL query. An in-line view is a nested query
that is specified in the outer query's FROM clause. (You should
already be familiar with a subquery, which is a nested query that
is specified in a WHERE clause.) An in-line view selects data from
one or more tables in order to produce a temporary (or virtual) table
that the outer query then uses to select data for output.
For example, the following
FROM clause specifies an in-line view:
from (select flightnumber, date, boarded/passengercapacity*100 as pctfull format=4.1 label='Percent Full' from sasuser.marchflights)
This in-line view selects two ...
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