Chapter Quiz

Select the best answer for each question. Check your answers using the answer key in the appendix.
  1. Which PROC PRINT step below creates the following output?
    Sample Output
    1. proc print data=cert.laguardia noobs; 
         var on changed flight; 
         where on>=160; 
    2. proc print data=cert.laguardia; 
         var date on changed flight; 
         where changed>3; 
    3. proc print data=cert.laguardia label; 
         id date; 
         var boarded transferred flight; 
         label boarded='On' transferred='Changed'; 
         where flight='219'; 
    4. proc print cert.laguardia noobs;  
         id date; 
         var date on changed flight; 
         where flight='219'; 
  2. Which of the following PROC PRINT steps is ...

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