If a substring is not found in a string, the FIND function returns which value?
Not found.
Given the following DATA step, what is the value of USNum and WordNum?
data work.Count; Text='AUSTRALIA, ENGLAND, CANADA, AUSTRIA, ITALY, US, SPAIN'; USNum=count(Text,'CANADA'); WordNum=countw(Text); run;
0, 7
1, 7
3, 0
3, 0
Which program would correctly generate two separate lagged variables for each observation?
data work.samp1; set work.lag0; y=lag1-lag2(item); run; proc print data=work.samp1; run;
data work.samp2; set work.lag0; y=lag2(item); run; proc print data=work.samp2; run;
data work.samp3; set work.lag0; x=lag1(item); y=lag2(item); run; proc print data=work.samp3; ...
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