Chapter 17
The New World Meets the Old: Programmers and SAS Enterprise Guide
In This Chapter
Working with projects
Getting the most from SAS tasks
Flexing your power with parameters
Noting a few things that you can’t do
SAS programmers can sometimes be . . . um (how to say this nicely?) . . . set in their ways. Although painting a whole class of people as having inflexible tendencies isn’t fair, long-time SAS programmers tend to carry more legacy than folks who work in other areas of technology. After all, if the techniques you have been using to do your job for 20 years are still working, what’s your incentive to change?
In this chapter, you can read about the productivity gains that you can enjoy when you add SAS Enterprise Guide to your SAS programming toolbox. You will see how to perform old tasks in a new way as well as how to accomplish some tasks that would be have been very difficult — if not impossible — without the benefit of an integrated tool like SAS Enterprise Guide.
The times, they are a-changin’
A woodworking show called “The Woodwright’s Shop” airs on public television. ...
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