Chapter 2
Your Connection to SAS: Using SAS Enterprise Guide
In This Chapter
Seeing how SAS made its way to the PC
Checking out your data access options
Summarizing and otherwise compiling your data
Reporting on-the-spot
SAS has been around for a long time and has often been considered the province of math or programming experts. About ten years ago, Dr. Goodnight (cofounder and CEO since the company was created in 1976) thought that this image needed to change. To accomplish the image change, SAS needed a new interface that was both user friendly and capable of delivering SAS power without programming. Thus, SAS Enterprise Guide was born.
SAS Enterprise Guide was the first application from SAS developed just for Microsoft Windows users to allow them to access, query, summarize, analyze, and publish results from their SAS server running almost anywhere. SAS servers can run from your PC, a Windows server, a UNIX server, or even on a good old mainframe (with no funny-looking punch cards required!). And because SAS Enterprise Guide can run from a Windows desktop (for ease of use), ...
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