Chapter 3
Six-Minute Abs: Getting Miraculous Results with SAS
In This Chapter
Understanding libraries
Discovering the power of queries
Creating data summaries any way you like
Predicting the future of your business
One of the cornerstones of the progress made in the 20th century was a great gain in economic efficiency and capacity. Americans, in particular, have been obsessed with making things faster, quicker, cheaper, or bigger. One of my favorite examples was a recent comedic movie in which a character had big plans to strike it rich with a product named Six-Minute Abs. He stated that this would provide the same workout as the one touted by the Seven-Minute Abs folks but in just six minutes — thus saving you a minute a day!
SAS Enterprise Guide is the Six-Minute Abs of SAS, only much better! Stephen has used SAS since the late 1980s and has been a senior programmer and senior statistician using SAS the old-fashioned way: programming in the SAS language. Mastering SAS Enterprise Guide, though, has made it possible for even a SAS programming guru like Stephen to be far more productive ...
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